Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's been a little while...

I decided to try to resurrect my blog after a short hiatus. It's just been a break of say... almost 2 years. Not a lot has changed, lots of stupid runs, a few exciting ones, and even a couple odd balls.

We had one guy at the station that no one really cared for, and he has since retired. That makes work a lot nicer. It's amazing how one guy can change the mood of a whole engine house.

There are still the same drug overdoses, the same assaults, the same regular customers. Still shootings, stabbings and auto accidents. And still the same old "I've felt this way for about 4 or 5 days, but I just can't take it any more", even though it's now 4:30 in the morning and they've been drinking all night.

And just when I think I've seen everything... Boom! Something really off the wall happens. And that's the reason I started this blog.

But that's for another day.


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